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Cascade AIDS Project is pleased to host a one-day free advocacy forum that will bring together various patient advocacy groups and individuals from throughout Oregon and Washington to share information and learn how to better work together toward shared goals.  

Patient Advocacy & Health Care Reform: Opportunities for Engagement
Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Please contact Peter Parisot at

for more information.


After participation in Patient Advocacy Leadership Summit, participants will:

  1. Gain an understanding of developments in healthcare policy on both the national and state level.
  2. Learn about the role that Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) play in the health of our communities and how their Community Health Improvement Plans are working towards improving the health of communities.
  3. Hear from policy makers and influencers about emerging issues in healthcare including the political climate for health related legislation and what they doing to ensure patients have access to high-cost medications.
  4. Learn how to navigate the healthcare system and access needed medications and treatments.
  5. Understand what efforts are happening to encourage culturally competent care and efforts to address health equity across our communities.
  6. Learn about the role of behavior health in the post healthcare reform landscape as well as the challenges and barriers to accessing these services.
  7. Identify opportunities for community engagement and patient advocacy and create an action plan for change.


This free conference is a collaborative effort between Cascade AIDS Project and the Northwest Region PALS Planning Committee with funding made possible by GlaxoSmithKline. 

Event Image

2014 PALS Steering Committee:

Johanna Lindsay
Arthritis Foundation

BJ Cavnor
One-In-Four Chronic Health

Debbie McCabe
Molly’s Fund Fighting Lupus

Michelle LaBuwi
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Jessica Gould
American Diabetes Association

Peter Parisot
Cascade AIDS Project